Tuesday, 5 June 2012


AIESEC Kenya Innovation Café - June 2012
‘Social Business in East Africa’
Tentative program of the event.
5.00pm - Welcome and brief introduction into Social Business and AIESEC by Manuela Muller from Edge and AIESEC Kenya
5.30pm - A social business simulation: a group exercise that provokes the participants to think about business models to address social challenges; (facilitated by Mutembei Kariuki of Acumen Fund and Grace Wacera, Edge Partnership coordinator)
6.00pm - Panel discussion
Invited Moderator: Mutembei Kariuki
Invited Panelists:
·         Biju Mohandas from Acumen Fund
·         Daniel Pfaffenholz from Taka Taka Solutions
·         Ghalib Juhudi from Juhudi Kilimo
·         Patricia Jumi- Managing Director, Growth Africa
·         Introduction of the panelists and their organizations
·         Discussion moderated by the Moderator
·         Questions from the audience and general discussion
7pm – Launch of the partnership between AIESEC Kenya and edge by Manuela Muller
7.15pm - Presentation from Trademark East Africa on how social business can impact trade and Investment in East Africa.
7.30pm - Presentation about Acumen Fund.
7.45pm - Vote of thanks and networking
Guests leave at their pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Cool Stuff! Great Initiative! Kudos to Team AIESEC!
