Tuesday, 5 June 2012


AIESEC Kenya Innovation Café - June 2012
‘Social Business in East Africa’
Tentative program of the event.
5.00pm - Welcome and brief introduction into Social Business and AIESEC by Manuela Muller from Edge and AIESEC Kenya
5.30pm - A social business simulation: a group exercise that provokes the participants to think about business models to address social challenges; (facilitated by Mutembei Kariuki of Acumen Fund and Grace Wacera, Edge Partnership coordinator)
6.00pm - Panel discussion
Invited Moderator: Mutembei Kariuki
Invited Panelists:
·         Biju Mohandas from Acumen Fund
·         Daniel Pfaffenholz from Taka Taka Solutions
·         Ghalib Juhudi from Juhudi Kilimo
·         Patricia Jumi- Managing Director, Growth Africa
·         Introduction of the panelists and their organizations
·         Discussion moderated by the Moderator
·         Questions from the audience and general discussion
7pm – Launch of the partnership between AIESEC Kenya and edge by Manuela Muller
7.15pm - Presentation from Trademark East Africa on how social business can impact trade and Investment in East Africa.
7.30pm - Presentation about Acumen Fund.
7.45pm - Vote of thanks and networking
Guests leave at their pleasure.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Innovation cafe speakers




Company Overview

TakaTaka Solutions is a social waste management company. Its goal is to provide affordable and environmentally friendly waste management services to all income areas.



In partnership with AIESEC, Potencia Ventures and Artemisia, edge attracts and develops talent for impactful business across emerging markets.
A new kind of business is gaining strength in emerging markets: one that seeks to improve the quality of life of low income people. Such businesses need talent that is prepared for the demands of the field and that will help it to grow.

Edge attracts and prepares the next generation of managers and entrepreneurs to build their careers in this field, ensuring that they add value wherever they work. We draw on a pool of top young talent with both leadership experience and a desire to make a difference, and we offer them the possibility to explore new business models.

Together we aim to uncover new business opportunities that can one day meet the needs of millions or even billions of low income consumers.

Basic Info


Products• International work placements in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and India (6 - 12 months)
• Business Design Competition
• 'Plugged In' Summits in Latin America and Asia
• Virtual learning environment
• Local activities, workshops and placements

Contact Info


BIJU MOHANDAS-Director Acumen Fund



Masthead Image

Changing the way the world tackles poverty

Our mission is to create a world beyond poverty by investing in social enterprises, emerging leaders, and breakthrough ideas.
Our vision is that one day every human being will have access to the critical goods and services they need – including affordable health, water, housing, energy, agricultural inputs and services – so that they can make decisions and choices for themselves and unleash their full human potential. This is where dignity starts – not just for the poor but for everyone on earth.

The Challenge

Tremendous wealth is being created in the world today thanks to globalization and the power of technology and markets. Yet there is a growing gap between rich and poor. Something must be done to extend the benefits of the global economy to the majority of the world’s population that lives on less than four dollars a day.

Why Charity Alone isn’t the Answer

Poor people seek dignity, not dependence. Traditional charity often meets immediate needs but too often fails to enable people to solve their own problems over the long term. Market-based approaches have the potential to grow when charitable dollars run out, and they must be a part of the solution to the big problem of poverty.

Why the Marketplace Alone isn’t the Answer

Very low-income people are too often invisible to businesses and society. Businesses see no significant market opportunity and governments view low-income areas as having insufficient tax revenues to pay for basic services like clean water, healthcare, housing and energy. Building new models that provide these critical services at affordable price – in the face of high costs, poor distribution systems, dispersed customers, limited financing options and, at times, corruption – requires imaginative business solutions and partnerships supported by investors willing to take on a risk/return profile that is unacceptable to traditional financiers.

Changing the Development Paradigm

We believe that pioneering entrepreneurs will ultimately find the solutions to poverty. The entrepreneurs Acumen Fund supports are focused on offering critical services – water, health, housing, and energy – at affordable prices to people earning less than four dollars a day.

The key is patient capital. We use philanthropic capital to make disciplined investments – loans or equity, not grants – that yield both financial and social returns. Any financial returns we receive are recycled into new investments. Over time, we have refined the Acumen Fund investment model, built a world-class global team with offices in four countries, and learned what does and does not work in growing businesses that serve low-income people.

Contacts: fellows@acumenfund.org.


About:Juhudi Kilimo

Juhudi Kilimo is changing the way farmers do business. We finance targeted agricultural assets for smallholder farmers and rural enterprises across Kenya. Operating exclusively in very rural areas, we give smallholder farmers access to the tools they need to scale up and succeed.

Our Mission

To provide market driven, wealth-creating financial services that empower smallholder farmers and rural enterprises to create sustainable agri-businesses and improve their livelihoods.

Our Vision

To reach 100,000 farmers by 2015 with superior financial services for agri-business.

Asset Financing and Insurance

Unlike traditional microfinance, which primarily provides loans for working capital to informal businesses, Juhudi finances specific agricultural assets that offer immediate and sustainable income for farmers. The assets act as an alternative form of collateral in case of default, reducing the farmers’ risk of greater poverty through indebtedness, and assets are insured to protect clients from harsh business losses. This comprehensive approach creates long-term gains in productivity and local engines of economic growth.

Training and Technology

Juhudi maximizes the benefit of asset financing by providing both technical assistance and business training. Prior to each loan, officers visit the client’s farm to perform a business assessment and advise on improvements. The first four meetings of a new group are then devoted to training clients on basic finance and business. After a loan is approved officers give continued support, working with partners and local government ministries to offer targeted technical assistance on assets. To best serve rural clients, Juhudi also uses mobile technology to collect payments and feedback and reduce the burden on clients and loan officers in these remote areas.

Solidarity Loan Groups

Juhudi’s clients support each other through solidarity loan groups, and co-guarantee their loans. Led by client representatives, groups function independently but with strong support and oversight from loan officers. Loan groups serve as a central meeting place for farmers to share ideas and encouragement, learn about new products and services, and organize for access to better pricing and markets.


Managing director and co-founder

Growth Africa

For contacts to GrowthAfrica
Email info@growthafrica.com  or
Call +254 20-2501777  or
Visit us at Cape Office Park, Ring Road Kilimani, Nairobi

Friday, 27 April 2012


Innovation Café 2- June 2012
Social Business in East Africa
What will the event be about?
The Innovation Café is a trends talk event that creates a platform for AIESEC Alumni to come together and discuss trending topics in different fields around Business.
The theme around this event this time around is;
The Business of doing good; Social Business in East Africa
Objective of the forum 
The forum aims at igniting the minds of the participants on social enterprise and discussing how social business can be a solution to the social problems that are currently being experienced in East Africa.
Crucial questions that will guide this forum include:
1.     Why should we engage in social business? Social Business vs. Profit making business
2.     What examples can we see in East Africa of Social Businesses?
3.     What impact will Social Business have on our economies’ trade?(To be done by a representative from Trademark East Africa)
4.     What is the future of Social Business in East Africa?
What will the take-home package be from this event?
-         An opportunity to network with other Social entrepreneurs and stakeholders of Social Entrepreneurship in East Africa.
-         Lots of ideas on social business models for those who are interested in venturing into social business.

When shall the event be? 
It shall be held on the 7th of June 2012. The venue will be at the Nairobi Serena hotel. The event shall begin at 5pm-8pm.
Tentative program of the event.
5pm-5.15pm- The forum shall be opened by a brief introduction into Social Business by one of the speakers and an explanation on the need to venture into Social business.
5.15pm- 5.30pm- A presentation from Trademark East Africa on how social business can impact trade and Investment in East Africa.
5.30pm- 6.15pm- Examples of working social businesses from all over East Africa; A presentation of different social businesses by social entrepreneurs from the region.
6.15pm- 6.45pm- A social business simulation; this will be an exercise that will entail the participants creating a social business; this exercise shall be facilitated by Mutembei Kariuki of Ashoka East Africa.
6.45pm- 7.30pm- Panel discussion on the impact that social businesses can have on different social problems that East Africa is facing as a region.
7.30pm-7.45pm- Wrap up of the forum and final discussions.
7.45pm-8.00pm- Vote of thanks.
8pm- Guests leave at their pleasure.



Thursday, 19 April 2012

what is social business?

 “A social business is an organization designed consciously around sociality and social tools, as a response to a changed world and the emergence of the social web, including social media, social networks, and a long list of other advances.”
- Stowe Boyd
“Today, by combining social networking tools – internally and externally – with sophisticated analytic capabilities, companies are transforming their business processes, building stronger relationships among their employees, customers and business partners and making better decisions, faster. This is what makes a social business – embracing networks of people to create new business value and opportunities.”
- Alistair Rennie (IBM Manager, Social Business)



AIESEC Alumni Innovation Cafe
This is a bi-annual event that is organized for AIESEC Alumni as a business and networking forum. The aim of this forum is to discuss recent trends that are ongoing in business. The last forum was centered on the impact of Mobile Applications on the East African market. This event shall be held on June 7th.